Bethesda Emerging Leaders
Professional Development Series
Thursday, October 28, 2021
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM ET
Virtual Format - Zoom for Government
Registration Fees
AFCEA Member:
Standard: $25
AFCEA Non-Member:
Standard: $30
*Reserved for current government and active duty military – excludes government contractors.
This event is not open to the press.

AFCEA Bethesda Emerging Leaders ProDev:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility

The 2021 DEI&A ProDev event features an opportunity to hear prominent government and industry leaders discuss the successes and challenges surrounding creating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible federal workforce.
There will be two panels each focusing on different critical DEI&A facets. The first “Diversity of Thought” panel will discuss the importance of building a team of diverse thinkers and the impact of a cognitive and neurodiverse workforce. The second “Expanding Diversity” panel will focus on best practices to build a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace culture.


Thursday, October 28, 2021
5:30 PM - 5:40 PMOpening Remarks

Jennifer Dougherty, Emerging Leaders President & Maddy Leto, Emerging Leaders Pro Dev Chair

5:40 PM - 6:20 PMDiversity of Thought – Driving Innovation With a Cognitively Diverse Workforce

View Speakers Here

6:20 PM - 7:00 PMExpanding Diversity – Building a Diverse, Inclusive Workforce

View Speakers Here

7:00 PM - 7:25 PMPanelist Q&A 
7:25 PM - 7:30 PMClosing Remarks

Addison Foudray Emerging Leaders, VP of Programs