Tuesday, March 16, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Sponsored by Leidos

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is committed to providing the highest quality care for patients while ensuring the medical readiness of warfighters. In this session, DHA leaders from the J-6 will discuss what the future holds for the enterprise-wide medical system that integrates readiness and health to transform healthcare delivery for warfighters, military retirees, and their families.  They will provide updates on current major transformation activities that will help to shape the future of military medicine.

Potential topics include:

  • Understanding updates from J6 Division Chiefs
  • Discussing current and upcoming initiatives
  • Learning what's on the horizon for the J6 


10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Sponsored by Philips

Join our panelists in the video networking session for extended Q&A. Attendees will be divided into virtual breakout rooms for facilitated, small group discussions with a speaker in each room.


10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Implementation of Advanced Medical Capabilities Across the Continuum of Military Health Care

With miles between physical levels of military care, its critical to use advanced healthcare technology to bridge the divide from the garrison to the battlefield. Patient information needs to be securely streaming from all points of care to the system of record and accessible in real-time so clinical specialists can take what use to be disparate data, and turn it into actionable intelligence. Information needs to be continuously sent forward to the next level for faster hand-offs and continuous monitoring is required for greater continuity of care from deployment, to point of injury, and eventually to home care. Join us to learn more about the advancements in healthcare technology that are supporting anywhere care for military personnel.
